Why Choose Open Heart Games

When you choose Open Heart Games for your roleplaying needs, you’re not only choosing to work with one of the best, most experienced of Game Masters, but also supporting a great charity.

With over ten years under his belt in both the role of GM-ing and as a professional in the hobby gaming industry, founder and Game Master Karington Hess has logged thousands of hours behind the screen!

game master during game

Need another reason to choose us? Open Heart Games strives to always be giving back to our communities. Afterall, isn’t that why we game? To build communities. With this philosophy in mind, you can be assured that in choosing Open Heart Games, a portion of your money goes to the charity, Extra Life, which helps children’s’ hospitals around the country. And we host annual charity marathons in which 100% of the proceeds are donated to this great charity. Find out more about Extra Life or recommend a charity here.


Why pay to play?

In paying to play, you are more likely to be playing with a dedicated group, and of course, a dedicated Game Master. In addition to supporting our charities of choice, your money also goes towards new modules, books, and other tools, as well as helping to pay our Rol120 dues, maintain our website, and contribute to the Game Master’s ability to prepare for each session.